Month: November 2022

TV Podcast

We made a TV Podcast

First we divided us into two teams. The good team and the bad. We resserched information about if tvs are good or bad. My team was the bad side so I found information why tvs are bad.

Next we wrote notes down to remeber what to say. I wrote down that we are going to be discussing whether TV is good or bad. I think tvs are bad because they include a chemical called Nitrogen trifluoride that can harm people.

Then we recorded our recording.

I enjoyed this because I did a TV podcst. I did well on say the words. I need to improve on memorizing the words.

Reading Time

I learnt how to read an analog clock.

First I learnt two different times. Digital clock and analog clock. These two times are different because digital time is on a type of technology like: netbooks, phones, and other technology. Analog time can be used as a real clock.

Lastly I put a random time to measure. For example: if digital time was 6:21 then the analog time would be 21 minutes past 6. I learnt the hands of the clock. The long hand is the minute hand. The short hand is the hour hand.

I enjoyed this because I learnt how to read the time. I did well on reading the time. I need to improve on writing the words of the clock.

Topes Structure

TOPES stands for: Title, Orientation, Problem, Events, and Solution.

T stands for Title. The title is used to make people want to read the story.

O stands for Orientation. Orientation is used to introduce the Character or the main Character and the world the story is in.

P stands for Problem. The Problem is the cause for the main Characters, need to act.

E stands for Events. The Events is detailing the action of the Characters.

S stand for Solution. Solution is showing how the world looks now.

The Structure of a Narrative is TOPES. Title, Orientation, Problem, Events, and Solution.


Athletics Day

Today I did Athletics on four station.

First we splited up into year fours, fives, sixs, sevens, and eights. There were four station: Disc, high jump, long jump, and shot put. My first station was Disc. We first made a line to throw the disc. When it was my turn I only made a stort distance.

Next we did high jump. other people were going and some people made it and some people didn’t. When it was my turn, on my first jump the bar fell, so I had to sit down. The other went again and again lots of times and then the bar fell down at a high height. The next activity was long jump.

We had to run from a far distance so we would get more speed we had to aim past the yellow flag. When I was running I was so close, but I didn’t make it past the yellow flag. Some people got the same jump.

Then the last station was shotput. Shotput was very hard for me, but I manged to push the ball far, but I didn’t make it to the last round.

Lastly we did Sprinting. The year four was first, then year fives, then year six, seven, and eight. When it was the year fives turn I went up. When we were running and made it to the finish line I came fifth, and went bask to cheer them.

I enjoyed this because I did Athletics. I did well on the disc. I need to improve on the high jump.


Purposes, Users, and Stakeholders

I learnt about Purposes, Users, and Stakeholders.

First we founds some information about TVs. We wrote down some notes so we could remember some Facts about TV.

Next we wrote down our notes on our google slide so we can look at it better.

Lastly we wrote what Purposes, Users, and Stakeholders are. Steakholder means: A person creates something to invest to gain money. The user is: the person who uses that product. the purpose is why that product was made.

I enjoyed this because I learnt what Purposes, Users, and Stakeholders are. I did well on taking the notes. I need to improve on finding fact about TVs.

Car Timeline

Cars are a type of transport that can travel on land. They are used to travel people from place to place. The first car was made in 1769. It was powered by steam. It did’nt work for very long. It could only work for 10 mineutes. The 2 car that was invented was powered by gas. This could last for 1 – 3 hours.

There are many cars that have been had a new feture to the car for example. 2022 was the first car to be on auto pilot or in 2010 was the first car that had winged doors. winged doors are doors that open like a wing.

Cars are vehicles that can travel on land.