Tag: Te Reo Māori

Te Reo Maori

I learnt Te Reo Maori.

First we had to talk in Maori for 8 minutes. 8 mintes is 480 secounds.

Next we learnt how to say new words in Maori. We also had to tell the time.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to talk in Maori for 8 minutes. I did well on talking in maori for 8 minutes. I need to improve on saying new words in Maori.

Te Reo Maori

I learnt about Utaina (waiata).

First I listened to the music the english lyrics is: Thank you All of you Load the cars National vehicles Drag it ashore To lie down Move on, move on Lift up, up Thank you, thank you All of you.

Next I made a DLO about the meaning of Utaina. The meaning is: The message is about saying thank you about the national vehicles.

I enjoyed this because I learnt the meaning of Utaina. I did well on writing what Utamina means. I need to improve on understanding the message.

Dame Whina Cooper

I made a google drawing about Dame Whina Cooper.

First I looked at the panmure bridge site for the te reo maori.

Next I made a google draw about Dame Whina Cooper.

Lastly I answered the questions. For example: What was the march about? The Māori Land March of 1975 was a protest led by the group Te Rōpū Matakite.

I enjoyed this because I learned about Dame Whina Cooper. I did well on answering the questions. I need to improve on searching about Dame Whina Cooper.

Te Reo Maori

We learned how to say what is this in maori

First,we went on the mat and Wheaea Odie showed us thec ard that has the maori word on it for the card but when she showed us we had to pronounce it properly.

Lastly we went over the words in maori like ronga, raro, roro, and waho and we went over left and right in maori.

I enjoyed learning how to say what is this in maori. I did well on saying what is in maori. I need to improve on saying ronga, raro, roro, and waho.


Te Reo Maori

I revised how to pass the number to others.

First Whaea Odie had cards. What ever number she says in maori, we have to give the cards and say anei to Whaea Odie.

Lastly we learned how to say ho mai to the person next to us.

I enjoyed learning this because I learned to give the number to the person who said ho mai. I did well on saying ho mai the person next to me.  I need to improve on giving the number to the person who said ho mai.

Te Reo Maori

I learned how to pass the numbers in maori.

First Wheaea Odie told us how to say the number in maori.

Next we learned how to pass the number  For example: the number 15 in maori in te kau ma rima so when someone say ho mai te kau ma rima that mean you have to pass the number 15 to the one who said ho mai and you have to say ane.

I enjoyed learning the numbers in maori. I need to improve on said the maori numbers. I did well on passing the number that Wheaea Odie said to get.

Te Reo Maori

I learned how to say numbers in maori.

First we learned the number from one to ten. For example: number nine is iwa.

Next we practised how to say the numbers bewteen 10 and 20. For example: the number 15 is tekau ma rima. Tekau means 10 and rima 5.

Lastly we practised the number in maori from 20 to 40. For example: The number 30 in maori is toru tekau and the number 38 in maori is toru te kau ma waru. Toru te kau is 30 and waru is 8.

I enjoyed learning the numbers from 1 to 40. I did well on saying the numbers bewteen 1 and 30. I need to improve on saying the numbers higher than 35 in maori.

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