Day: June 28, 2022


I learnt facts about sharks.

First we practised extended discussion framework. There rolls is leader, question, comprehender, opposer, and clarfier. The leaders roll was leading the group and show them there rolls, the questioner questions the people to see if they now what the group is talking about, the comprehender answers the question, the opposer respectfully disagree to the comprehender, the last roll the clarfier tells the group the comprehender and the opposer answers and votes to see what the answer is for the group.

Next we read our last pages, 5-6. I answered 2 question like, why did the text say “posionous” but the text should say “vemonous.” The secound question was why are sharks under attack. Our answer for the first question was “because venomous means stung or bitten and poisonous means swallowed the poison.” Our answer for the secound question was “more than 70 sharks get caught by fisher men.”

I enjoyed this because I learned fact about sharks. I did well on answering the question. I need to improve on reading the texf.

Whale Tail

I drawed my digtal whale on a paper.

First we practise shading the colours to make it gradient.

Next I drew the design on the whale tail paper.

Lastly I coloured in the colours.

I enjoyed drawing my digtal whale tail on a picse of paper. I did well on colouring, I need to improve on drawing.

Number Sequential Patterns

I learned about Number Sequential Patterns.

First I created a pattern on a google slide. For example: gdheskgdheis the pattern. The first question is what is the pattern? The pattern is gdhesk. The second question is what comes nexts? The answer is d. The last question is what is the fourth next object? The answer is e.

Next I made an answer slide to put the answer in.

Lastly I tested someone to answer the question of the slide.